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This site has everything and anything on Stuphonian news!

 See classic Disney characters in NEW street shows!

 Famous Stuphonian actress Sweetly Maire is now the producer of a new series of street shows featuring your all-time favorite Disney characters in their own stories!

We interviewed Sweetly Maire recently and asked her about the shows!

NSN: "So, Sweetly, we hear you are producing a few new Disney street shows, is this true?"

Sweetly: "Why yes I am! They are all from the classic Disney movies we have all grown up loving, and they'll be brought to you live on stage starring those lovely characters no one could forget."

NSN: "Sounds wonderful! Can you tell us a few examples?"

Sweetly: "Well we're going to have several of the top classics, such as Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty, but we're also looking into the possibility of stories such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame, you know, the ones that are often looked over."

NSN: "Wow! That's certainly exciting! So tell me, what shows are you not planning on doing?"

Sweetly: "Well I'm sad to say that there are no plans for Beauty and the Beast, considering there is already LEGO Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage, and we wouldn't want to interfere with that, and there are some difficulties with The Princess and the Frog, so I regret saying there are no plans for that either."

NSN: "Well I'm sure with the other shows running, it won't be much of an issue at all! I also heard kids will be able to meet the characters?"

Sweetly: "Why yes they will; after the show ends, the audience members will be able to meet the stars and ask for their autographs and become friends with them, just like in the Disney parks!"

NSN: "Well that sure is exciting, Sweetly, and I cannot wait to see the outcome of these shows! Thank you so much for talking with me!"

Sweetly: "Oh the pleasure was all mine! And I just want to say that as both a public figure and a citizen, I trust The New Stuphonian News more than most anyone in Stuphonia! So long!"

Miss Sweetly Maire's shows are scheduled to start coming out this week.

 Hansel and Gretel- A new comedy Opening Sunday, November 06th 2011!

                 The long awaited comedy is finally here! With an all-star cast 

and a classic story, how could you go wrong!? This amazing play will

have you rolling with laughter and applause! Starring Sweetly Maire, 

Jewel Elizabeth, Ook Rajelle, Party Bear Kelly, and Crumpet James!

Don't miss out!

Get the 2011 Original Cast 

Recording of Hansel and Gretel A

 New Comedy now available!

Stuphonian musical smash 'The Phantom of the Opera' to come to America?

Rumor has it that the wonderful Stuphonian hit is to come to 

America! Much talk is spreading all over Stuphonia of when, and 

who, will be in it! If our sources are correct, it will be appearing 

sometime soon at The Grand Productions Theatre in New York.

 Planning your Stuphonian wedding?           

Call us- "The Elegant Style".

With so many options to chose from, 'The Elegant Style'

promises you the Stuphonian wedding of your dreams<3

Contact us at our website:


The Gang Visit Wizarding World!                

Sweetly Maire, Ook Rajelle, Jewel Elizabeth and Cozy Fareau 

spend a day together at 'Universal Studios' in 'The Wizarding 

World of Harry Potter!'

It all began when they took a plane ride down dark and early at 

four in the morning from Stuphonia to Florida. When they reached

 the park, they went straight to 'Wizarding World' and were

amazing by the setting when they saw it!

They found themselves in Diagon Alley 

walking through the snow topped streets just as Harry once did.

 There, they were entranced by what they saw; shops such as 

'Honey Dukes', and 'Ollivanders'!

Sweetly Maire herself had a wand

 claim her, then later said "That was my favorite part of the entire 

experience. I felt like I belonged in the movie... but then I 

remembered they refused to pay me..."

From there they enjoyed all that 'Wizarding World' had to offer,

such as the marvelous butterbeer, which Jewel Elizabeth

commented on saying "That bloody butterbeer probably brought

my cholesterol up to 1,000 but it was completely worth it and

I'd do it again! ...That's how they get you!"

Their next adventure was to challenge each other at the famous 

'Dueling Dragons' coaster that took them farther then their 

imagination would permit. "I felt like I was in a haze and that if I

tried hard enough, I could fly on forever..." says Ook Rajelle.

On to their final frontier in the world renowned Hogsworth School 

of Witchcraft and Wizardry where they rode 'Harry Potter and the 

Forbidden Journey'. "It was stupendous!" Cozy Fareau acclaims,

"It lifted me and dropped me and flew me and threw me, and it 

was an amazing experience, five stars for sure!"

"I loved how you weren't looking at anything, you were in it." 

joins Sweetly, "I never felt like things were just going on around 

me without being apart of it, and I guess that's the whole point

of this magical place is for Harry fans like me and you to be 

able to experience something more then just watching a movie,

and instead to bring it to life and I think they did a wonderful job 

with that."

                                                    Article by Gorius S. G.

                                              Photos courtesy of Sniffs Iggy

From entertainment, to court, to attractions it is all to the far left, and all up to date! All it takes is one click!

(To the left is Southern Stuphonia.)

Read about a new restaurant in town, or an apartment for rent.

 You now have an entire world at your finger tips. We'll keep you

 posted on all that's happening with celebrities, millionaires, or 

everyday citizens like yourself!



(above) Sweetly Maire.

(above) Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora as seen in the Disney parks.    

(above) Cinderella and Prince Charming as seen in the Disney parks. 


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